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Chapter 31 Chapter 29 Enjoying Life According to the Genetic Pattern

The Stone Age Diet, an eating pattern suited to our species has been placed before us.Now we just have to get over the hump and implement it in our high-tech society.too difficult?No, it's not difficult at all, it just might be a little more expensive.It's not such a terrible thing, most of us eat too much anyway.isn't it?What do you see in the mirror when you walk into the bathroom in the morning with no clothes on? Now in our place, environmental protection tax is a fresh topic that attracts much attention.The government hopes to reduce energy consumption through this measure.Once the wallet bleeds, everyone will carefully consider whether this or that consumption is really necessary.Maybe we should try this too and impose a fast food tax on the energy we eat!Is this unfair to society?It is worth noting that in Western countries, it is the people with the worst economic conditions who are the most obese.We have an adequate supply of cheap energy everywhere: white flour, sugar and vegetable fat are a cheap, calorie-dense combination with powerful consequences.

My critics will surely yell that the Stone Age diet is unaffordable for most people.But please think about it, if people really spend their limited money on quality instead of quantity, what will happen?Thin and fit citizens everywhere!It's hard to imagine what sectors of manufacturing and healthcare would have collapsed without so many obese and sick customers.They rely on these people to keep their business thriving.In addition, this book aims to enhance everyone's health and nutrition and open up new ideas. Price and consumption power are secondary here.In cutting-edge scientific research, like gene therapy, what we care about is not how much money is spent, but the feasibility and efficacy of technical applications.

This book of mine will definitely offend many colleagues in the field of nutrition.Therefore, I want to emphasize again that there are a few points that are not part of this book.Because prejudiced people often hear or read what they think they should hear or read This book does not say that carbs are unhealthy per se.Bread, pastries, potatoes, rice, pizza, and pasta, by themselves, do not make people sick.The point is that consuming such large amounts of carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, in today's inactive lifestyle is not good for human physiology.The less exercise, the fatter the person, and the stronger the insulin resistance, the greater the adverse effect.Gerald, known as the father of unknown syndrome.Professor Li Wen clearly pointed out that in the treatment of unknown syndromes, a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet should not be used.This advice should indeed be followed.

This book also does not believe that vegetable oils from sunflower seeds, corn, and soybeans will cause people to get sick, but points out that eating a large amount of vegetable oils will lead to an imbalance in the ratio of Omega︱6 and Omega︱3 fatty acids in the diet, causing health risks. Nor does this book suggest that the meat products available in abundance on the market today are wholesome and can be eaten in excess.The point is that we should bring more species-appropriate animal products back onto the market, and we should be mindful of certain aspects of consuming meat in general.

This is the content of the last chapter of this book. How can we apply the diet theory of the stone age to the actual life today?Let's look at carbohydrates first.First of all, the amount you eat should be reduced. In addition, the type of food you eat should be changed.Grains should be limited, and try to focus on whole grain products.Not to mention sweets made with starches, sugars, and cheap fats. Ideally, get most of your carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and legumes.These fruits and vegetables contain less starch and glucose, but more soluble crude fiber.Crude fiber acts a bit like a paste, making the food slurry more viscous in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness and delaying the process of glucose entering the blood.This can avoid the peak of blood sugar after a meal, and the demand for insulin is relatively reduced.Reducing blood sugar and insulin secretion means reducing the risk of obesity, heart and circulatory system diseases and cancer.

In addition, all types of fruit provide vitamin C, carotene and other carotenoids, and various B vitamins.Among the minerals contained in fruits, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are particularly rich.Different vegetables contain different emphases of nutrients.In general, vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C, various B vitamins, and minerals.Therefore, the best way is to put all the vegetables you can see on the table as much as possible, and eat them in different ways. It started with four times a day, then five times a day. This is an American slogan used to remind us to eat fruit or vegetables at least five times a day, both as a side dish and as a snack.That's a really realistic goal for dietary modification, though perhaps a bit more expensive.In many articles published since 1985, I have often made this suggestion, and I have tried many times to mobilize the leaders of the German fruit and vegetable industry to move towards this market, but in vain.Fortunately, five times a day suddenly became the slogan of the German nutrition circles.Perhaps the most important dietary nutritional advice for Europeans living north of the Alps.This kind of proposal often runs into a wall very quickly here. The biggest obstacle is everyone's indifference and the affordability of the wallet.

Maybe we can use the money from the fast food tax to subsidize fruit and vegetables.On the other hand, we should pay attention to the use of fresh-keeping storage methods that do not destroy nutrients, and pay attention to the quality of semi-finished foods.Today, human beings living in the high-tech age no longer have the time and interest to spend their minds on the production and cooking of vegetables and fruits.Therefore, we should use all methods that can increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the first thing to recommend is all fresh fruits, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, etc., depending on the season.There are also fruit salads made with fresh fruit, unsweetened pickled fruit and freshly squeezed juices.Fruits soaked in sugar water, fruit juices with added sugar and water, and so-called cool drinks all contain a high proportion of sugar and should be avoided as much as possible.

Among the vegetables that are worth recommending, all green leafy lettuce and fresh vegetables are naturally the most recommended, such as green peppers, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, spinach and so on.These dishes are good occasionally eaten raw in salads, or cooked in a milder way, preferably something like steaming.The two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and can be adjusted to complement each other.Frozen vegetables are also recommended, as are other pickles and vegetable juices that are prepared in a milder way that preserves their flavor. Let's talk about protein.Instead of eating so many carbs, eat a little more protein.From a genetic standpoint, humans have adapted to a much higher protein intake than is common today.From an evolutionary point of view, the most important sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes.

Eat more legumes like beans, lentils, peas, these things sure don't cost much.If you've ever tried a lentil salad in the south of France, you won't forget the savory taste, and your interest in this type of dish will grow.If you get used to beans, your stomach won't produce as much gas anymore. Nuts are also affordable.Many people even have walnut or hazelnut trees in their gardens.But who among us eats nuts except at Christmas time?However, there are still residents in other places who still regard nuts as their daily food.The trick to eating nuts is to eat them as a meal, instead of sitting in front of the TV and mechanically swallowing big handfuls after a full meal.Eat it when you're hungry, like eating fruit as a snack.You can eat to your heart's content until you've had enough and are full.Don't be afraid of too many calories, because you can eat one less meal when you are full.I can assure you that nuts are very filling.Plus, nuts are great as a vegetable or salad topping, like wild lettuce leaves with walnuts, or spinach with pine nuts, delicious!

Finally, a word about meat.What would happen if humans didn't have meat to eat?The quality of beef, pork and poultry on the market today is suboptimal due to the use of grain and soy as feed.There are too many Omega︱6 fatty acids in meat fat, but too little Omega︱3 fatty acids.How to do it?A feasible solution is to eat only lean meat, or try to remove the fat that is visible to the naked eye.The important Omega︱3 fatty acids must be supplemented through other means.The quality of meat can also be indirectly improved through the fat used for frying and stewing meat.Of course, the quality of the oil used for cooking and salad is also related, we will talk about this later.

We should also eat more fish.On the one hand, it is because fish is rich in protein and provides sufficient iodine and fluorine, and more importantly, because fish contains highly unsaturated Omega︱3 fatty acids, which are the only remaining natural substances that can provide this important nutrient. source.To meet the latest recommended intake for this fatty acid, we should quadruple our current average fish consumption.That means eating fish four times a week!But now that the fish in the sea have been caught less and less, how can this work?Therefore, the status of fish farming should be given more attention.However, do remember to base the feeding method in line with the characteristics of the species, and do not use grain to feed fish as is the common practice in this industry. I am used to cooking meat with rapeseed oil in order to increase the intake of Omega︱3 fatty acids.If I cook fish, I use olive oil, because the fish already contains Omega︱3 fatty acids.In addition, we should also increase plant foods containing linoleic acid in our diet, because this linoleic acid also contains Omega | three fatty acids.Foods in this category include walnuts, germ, and green vegetables such as spinach, beets, and the Omega star purslane among vegetables.In order to increase the intake of Omega︱3 fatty acids to a sufficient amount, this requirement is much higher than the common level today.We must also develop other avenues.For example, grow special algae rich in Omega︱3 fatty acids, grind it into powder, add it to animal feed or extract oil, and add it to human food in small doses.Only in this way can Omega︱3 fatty acids re-enter the human food chain. Eggs and milk and similar products with special emphasis on Omega fatty acids have appeared on the market.The producers of Omega eggs, however, advertise that the product has the effect of lowering cholesterol in their marketing.Do Eggs Lower Cholesterol?Who would believe it?We know that highly unsaturated Omegs︱3 fatty acids can even increase LDL cholesterol!Instead, it is necessary to introduce to consumers a diet rich in Omega︱3 fatty acids, which has other more important positive effects on health.New scientific research clearly shows that consumption of products rich in Omega︱3 fatty acids can significantly improve several metabolic indices, such as triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and inflammation and blood coagulation factors. Of course, ordinary dairy products are also recommended.From an evolutionary standpoint, although milk is new to our genes, if you consume fermented milk or yogurt products, you can avoid the reactions caused by lactose intolerance.Dairy products not only provide high-quality protein, but also the best source of calcium.In addition, fermented milk products have a range of beneficial effects on metabolism and the immune system.Yogurt, yogurt, and many hard cheese varieties are healthy foods. We should completely change the way we think about fat.In principle, animal fat is not bad, but good for health, because we get fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and unsaturated fatty acids needed by the body from it.In addition, for patients with unknown symptoms, a slightly higher fat intake is recommended, as long as it is mainly monounsaturated fatty acids.In our time there is not so much animal marrow to eat.In addition, you should always pay attention to the proportion of different Omega fatty acids in the fat. It's really difficult, and it's so troublesome!At this moment you may be thinking so.I don't think so.Tell you a trick, learn from the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast.First of all, don't be afraid of the oil, when have you ever seen a Greek, Italian, Spaniard or Southern French save on oil?What is enviable is that these people are generally slimmer than us Germans, and the incidence of myocardial infarction is also the lowest in Western countries!But their dishes are always soaked in oil but it is the correct oil. In other words, your diet can also contain more fat, which may account for 40% to 45%, as long as it is the correct fat, that is, the fat is mainly composed of monounsaturated fatty acids.Of course, this also depends on the other components of the diet.Residents along the Mediterranean Sea are used to eating a lot of vegetables. For example, the Greeks consume three times more vegetables than the Nordics.Their favorite olive oil is mainly eaten with vegetable salads.This is an extremely critical point: a combination of various monounsaturated fatty acids, and a large amount of fiber materials are matched with each other.This combination of diets had the most favorable effect on various blood fat indices and was also the most helpful in maintaining a lean body.How about some oil-marinated vegetables, olives and avocado more often? In our German kitchen, maybe neutral rapeseed oil is more suitable, because the special taste of olive oil is not liked by most Germans.In addition, rapeseed oil has another key to health. Like olive oil, it is mainly composed of monounsaturated fatty acids, and at the same time contains more Omega︱3 fatty acids and less Omega︱6 fatty acids. There is no other oil like this!From today's point of view, rapeseed oil is indeed the most ideal edible oil.Rapeseed oil has a neutral taste and is also cold-pressed, with a slight walnut aroma, which is suitable for the special flavor of certain restaurants. In order to achieve a balanced and healthy fatty acid ratio, the consumption of Omga︱6 fatty acid, linolenic acid, must be reduced by half from the current 14 grams.In practice, this means reducing the consumption of grains, especially strictly limiting the use of grain oils, such as wheat oil and corn oil, but also sunflower oil, soybean oil and echinacea oil, and the plants made from them cream. We certainly cannot always obtain animal fat by eating bone marrow.Therefore, we noticed that poultry and pig fats are basically composed of monounsaturated fatty acids.For example, 70% of goose fat and 60% of lard are unsaturated fatty acids, which cannot be ignored.Think about my words the next time you have roast goose or foie gras for Christmas!Where in the Western world do people have the lowest rates of myocardial infarction?Is a resident of France who lives between the Toulouse and Périgueux regions, where the consumption of foie gras is the largest in the world. If I sum up my advice, eat more fruits and vegetables with a little more good oil; eat more fish, lean meat and poultry; also, eat more nuts, mushrooms, cheese. Good time on vacation days on the Mediterranean coast, Provence in France, Castile in Spain, and those pleasant islands, Majorca and Manorca in Spain, Corfu Island in Greece and Crete Doesn’t the modern version of the Stone Age diet of the island of Calabria, Italy, with fewer carbohydrates coincide with the diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast? Spaghetti and pizza are the main courses, which is the German misconception of Italian cuisine.I have to admit, a plate of steaming macaroni is really good.But in fact, in Italy, people don't eat so much noodles, they just serve as appetizers occasionally.Fortunately, pasta has the lowest glycemic index of any cereal.Have you ever actually observed what a rich Italian eats on his plate?Their starters, unlike ours, have pickled vegetables and mushrooms, olives, ham, salami, cured sardines, figs and prosciutto, melon and ham, or a fresh seafood salad.You will undoubtedly spend a little more. How can a Stone Age diet be made both practical and delicious, modeled on the diets of the Mediterranean coast?Let's start with Spain, with a cool tomato soup (gazpacho) to start, or an omelette with onions, peppers and green peppers, or a small bowl of shrimp fried with garlic.Or come to Italy and try orange and fennel salad?An artichoke salad with Parmesan cheese, or a salad with string beans, tuna and shallots?And carpaccio with lettuce, olive oil and Parmesan?This last dish is known to most tourists who have been to Italy.Or a Greek farmhouse salad, pretty Stone Age too, isn't it?But why do we have to eat Greek white bread with no bite?We still have the money to order a main course after the salad to fill us up!For example, an eggplant stuffed rabbit. Change the Mediterranean-style dishes and use our local common food, and you can still make healthy food.For example, using kale with bacon or lean pork chops with sauerkraut soaked in red wine is also quite Stone Age and delicious.Instead of dressing the salad with sugar and vinegar, it should be tossed with freshly squeezed high-quality canola oil. We can also use Mediterranean cuisine to divert the reader's interest away from modern fashion.Red basil with fennel, or swordfish steak with pizza, and tomato and onion salad, who can resist?In Stone Age terms, what could be better than a rich roast lamb and vegetable medley, served with a glass of red wine? Wine is a natural part of a healthy modern Stone Age diet.While our ancient ancestors knew nothing of this brew, they certainly knew what the fermented fruit did, just as it did for monkeys and other animals.They sometimes find this mellow fruit, and after a full meal, they are all drunk and in a trance, but they hang contentedly among the branches. According to the latest knowledge, wine, especially red wine drunk with meals, can relieve oxidative stress in the blood after a meal, because wine contains many antioxidants.In addition, a small amount of alcohol can also enhance insulin sensitivity.The French say that a day without wine is like a day without sunshine.But the famous German-language naturalist Paracelsus said that quantity can be qualitative Let's talk about breakfast, what kind of stone age breakfast is there?You can simply drink a cup of coffee with nothing added, or add a dollop of whole grain pastry, as the Southern Europeans do.Most of us are still reluctant to give up our beloved cereal, but be careful, it has to be a real whole grain.Also worth recommending, there are fruits.Before noon, if you are hungry, you can eat only fruit, and by noon, you can eat something hearty. And what about our favorite after-dinner dessert?If you followed the example of the Italians for breakfast and didn't eat anything, it's time for fruit.In Italian homes, after a meal, it is often simple fruit, or a fruit salad with a little wine.People who can afford it often eat fruit and cheese together, fresh cheese, soft or hard.It's a delicious combination, but unfortunately it's rare in our country.We have Italian-style chocolate cake everywhere here, but in Italy, people only eat it at festivals at most. Find a few books on Mediterranean cooking, a treasure trove for creating healthy, delicious meals.If a recipe suggests bread to accompany a dish, you can substitute a small amount of naturally sour-fermented whole grain bread, or omit the bread altogether.No one stipulates that bread, potatoes or rice must be eaten with this dish.These things are the carriers of carbohydrates. If you can't afford fish, meat and vegetables, you have to rely on other cheap things to fill your stomach.Health has always been a precious commodity, not just in medical terms. This stone age diet, after a few weeks of experimentation, you'll see how uncomfortable it can be once you get off the rails and go back to your old ways of filling your belly with lots of starch.If you eat a Mediterranean lunch, you won't feel sleepy in the afternoon.Maybe you'll lose a kilo or two even though you've been eating well.If you measure your blood sugar, insulin, and blood fat before starting this diet, you can compare it after a few weeks, and you may be pleasantly surprised. If such dietary adjustments do not work for someone, and blood fat and other risk of disease remain high, there is still another effective and promising way out of modern medicine. No matter how effective modern drugs are, the problem of diet and nutrition in line with the characteristics of our species is still in front of everyone. Adopting a Mediterranean-style diet, based on a special restriction of refined carbohydrates, is undoubtedly a modern interpretation of the Stone Age diet and is an ideal nutritional way to prevent unknown syndromes.It is also the best adjunct to drug therapy if you are already sick.This dietary pattern has two incomparable advantages. Unlike traditional low-fat and cholesterol-lowering diets that neither work nor taste good, the Mediterranean version of the Stone Age diet does work and is delicious! Well, head to your nearest bookstore and pick up a few good books on Mediterranean cuisine.If you happen to be planning your next getaway, consider taking a cooking class, such as in Tuscany, Italy, or Santorini in Greece, the Camargue region in the south of France, or the Canary Islands in France. Taventura.Not only is it a real treat, but your heart and blood vessels will also benefit later in life. (over) drug treatment hope For people suffering from sugar and fat metabolism disorders, that is, people suffering from unknown syndrome and non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, proven and effective drug treatments are divided into two categories: one class of drugs is called oral hypoglycemic drugs, Its different efficacy exerts different mechanism of action.One group of drugs, called sulfonamides, stimulate insulin secretion in the body.These drugs are mainly suitable for patients who are not obese, or only slightly overweight.For obese people, increased insulin secretion will promote further weight gain. However, most patients with unknown syndrome and type 2 diabetes are significantly obese.For them, a mechanism that does not interfere with the production of insulin by the pancreas is appropriate: increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin.Such drugs include biguanides (Metormin) and insulin sensitizers (Rosiglitazone).They lower blood sugar and insulin levels.McFormin is the drug with the most proven curative effect so far. It can not only reduce various metabolic indexes, but also reduce the total mortality rate of diabetes, myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular embolism, as well as type 2 diabetes. In addition, some antidiabetic drugs can inhibit the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestine, such as glucose enzyme inhibitors (Acarbose).It can delay and alleviate the rise of blood sugar after meals, thereby reducing the concentration of insulin. It can be used alone or often used together with Maiformin. This combination can receive very good results. The second class of drugs is aimed at disorders of fat metabolism.The so-called Statine, also known as cholesterol synthase inhibitor, is the only blood fat-lowering drug that has been proven to have a preventive effect so far, and it has a good effect on lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.At the same time it can lower triglycerides and increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.In addition, it can affect different factors of the blood coagulation system, promote the production of nitric oxide, thereby improving endothelial function and reducing the tendency of inflammation.In addition to improving fat parameters, cholesterol synthase inhibitors also rapidly and significantly reduce the risk of heart and circulatory disease.This effect is of great significance to patients with unknown syndromes.Facts have also proved that cholesterol synthase inhibitor therapy has a good preventive effect on sugar metabolism disorders and type 2 diabetes.
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