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Chapter 29 ★Twenty-seven unsubscribe magazine

simplify your life 愛琳.詹姆絲 785Words 2023-02-05
I have a friend who reads more than a dozen magazines every month. She has a colorful and satisfying life. She lives in a beautiful big house and has two cute and smart daughters. healthy.She has so many pleasures that are enough to satisfy her heart, but she has been immersed in an unhappy atmosphere for a long time recently, and she always feels that this kind of life is not what she wants. One day when I went to her house, I accidentally saw a stack of magazines on her desk.Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind: whether her criteria for evaluating her unhappiness in life were influenced by the unreal life styles in the magazines.

Most consumer magazines have more or less some means of advertising in them.The main purpose is to let us buy the products advertised.Over time, we are indoctrinated with this idea without knowing it. To be honest, apart from TV, there are few media that can appeal to the subconscious mind of consumers with some strong consumer awareness like magazines, and have caused great temptation to consumers.It should come as no surprise that advertisers are pouring $100 billion a year into print advertising, and through page after page of beautifully seductive four-color print ads, advertisers are dictating trends in our clothing, cooking and eating , but also regularly dominate our social lives.They encourage us to smoke, drink, and drive fast, all while buying expensive clothing, jewelry, furniture, and hundreds of other products that we don't really need and often can't afford.What's more serious, these advertisements also have a remote brainwashing effect on people. For example, the advertisement says: women who drink a certain brand of foreign wine are more attractive to men.Do you believe?

You may not have thought about how these magazines attract you to spend time and money to read them.If you've figured it out, maybe it's time to unsubscribe from your magazine.This is the easiest way and the most effective way to reduce the noise in your life and free you from the trap of consumption. If you are a magazine fan, then quit this hobby decisively!Use the time spent reading magazines to develop some new interests or hobbies!Perhaps, at this time, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you have so much time to do what you really want to do.This is the benefit of not reading magazines.

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